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Comment: Added explanation on Constructors

The Appoxee SDK offers the following methods to display push notifications for Android devices with API Level 16 and above.

  1. The SDK shows a default push notification view

  2. The SDK Uses Android’s BigTextStyle or BigPictureStyle

  3. The SDK Uses a user­defined layout (full custom push notification)

When Using (2) or (3) , it is best practice to put it in a method and call it prior to calling the SDK initAsync method.


BigText Style


Option 1 ‐ without adding additional fields (e.g : custom BigContentTitle and/or SummaryText

Please add a call to the following API after calling new initAsync():


In order to set small (ticker) icon and big (notification) icon, please use the following methods:



newSmallIcon ­ from the R file (e.g R.drawable.newTickerIcon)

bigIconBitmap ­ a Bitmap type variable.

Option 2 use an additional fields : e.g. custom BigContentTitle and/or SummaryText

Please use the following after calling new initAsync():

BigTextStyleNotificationBuilder bigTextStyle = new BigTextStyleNotificationBuilder() ;

bigTextStyle.setBigContentTitle("Testing BigTextTitle");

bigTextStyle.setSummaryText("Testing BigText Summary Text");

AppoxeeManager.setBigTextStyle(bigTextStyle.createBigTextStyle() );

In order to set small (ticker) icon and big (notification) icon, please use the following methods:



newSmallIcon ­ from the R file (e.g R.drawable.newTickerIcon)

bigIconBitmap ­ a Bitmap type variable

You may also use the parameterized Constructor : 

public BigTextStyleNotificationBuilder(CharSequence bigContentTitle,CharSequence summaryText,int smallIconId,Bitmap bigIcon)


BigPicture Style

Option 1 ‐ without adding additional fields (e.g : custom BigContentTitle and/or SummaryText
Please add a call to the following API after calling new initAsync()::


In order to set small (ticker) icon and big (notification) icon, please use the following methods:



newSmallIcon ­ from the R file (e.g R.drawable.newTickerIcon)

bigIconBitmap ­ a Bitmap type variable

Option 2 use an additional fields : e.g. custom BigContentTitle and/or SummaryText and/or an image (Bitmap) as the image in the push notification

Please use the following code after calling new initAsync():
Bitmap bm = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(),R.drawable.demo_image);

BigPictureStyleNotificationBuilder style = new BigPictureStyleNotificationBuilder();

style.setBigContentTitle("Testing BigPictureTitle");
style.setSummaryText("Test BigPicture Summary Text");



In order to set small (ticker) icon and big (notification) icon, please use the following methods:



newSmallIcon ­ from the R file (e.g R.drawable.newTickerIcon)

bigIconBitmap ­ a Bitmap type variable

You may also use the parameterized Constructor : 

public BigPictureStyleNotificationBuilder(Bitmap bigLargeIcon, Bitmap bigPicture, CharSequence bigContentTitleCharSequence summaryText,int smallIconId)

Resetting Style to default

Please use the following code after new initAsync() was called :


Full Custom Notification Builder

Using this feature requires an XML Layout designed as the custom push layout, for example named here “example_custom_push”.

CustomNotificationBuilder customPushBuilder = new CustomNotificationBuilder();

//These 4 definitions must be set when using full custom notification

customPushBuilder.layout = R.layout.example_custom_push;

customPushBuilder.layoutMessageId =;

customPushBuilder.layoutSubjectId =;

customPushBuilder.statusBarIconDrawableId = R.drawable.ic_launcher;

//These 2 definitions can be set when using full custom notification,not mandatory.

customPushBuilder.layoutIconDrawableId = R.drawable.ic_launcher;

customPushBuilder.layoutIconId =;

//Finally to set the custom notification in the AppoxeeManager


Resetting Custom Notification Builder to default (Disabling it)
