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An alias is a unique, user-specific identifier, set by the application owner (for example, the user's email or an internal system ID number) and is limited to 254 characters.


The alias API will create an association between a user and a device


Code Block
#pragma mark - Alias

//setDeviceAlias -  Sets the device alias, replacing the current alias value.
- (void)setDeviceAlias:(nullable NSString *)alias withCompletionHandler:(nullable AppoxeeCompletionHandler)handler;

//removeDeviceAlias - Removes the device alias
- (void)removeDeviceAliasWithCompletionHandler:(nullable AppoxeeCompletionHandler)handler;

//getDeviceAlias - Returns the device alias from the device cache
- (void)getDeviceAliasWithCompletionHandler:(nullable AppoxeeCompletionHandler)handler;



Code Block
#pragma mark - Alias

//setDeviceAlias -  Sets the device alias, replacing the current alias value.
func setDeviceAlias(alias: String?, withCompletionHandler handler: AppoxeeCompletionHandler?)

//removeDeviceAlias - Removes the device alias
func removeDeviceAliasWithCompletionHandler(handler: AppoxeeCompletionHandler?)

//getDeviceAlias - Returns the device alias from the device cache
func getDeviceAliasWithCompletionHandler(handler: AppoxeeCompletionHandler?)