Using Extra Fields with Android

Using Push Custom Fields


  1. Sending custom push fields using the Appoxee web dashboard :


     2.   Sending custom push fields using the Appoxee server-to-server API –


Custom Fields addition highlighted in blue:


    "campaign_name": "aa1","campaign_desc":"asd",
    "application_id": 1121,
    "sound": "",
    "name": "Johnni",
    "description": "mik mak",
    "type": 0,
    "content_type": 1,
    "inbox_title": "Le Inbox",
    "inbox_description": "messages go in here",
    "push_body": "conversion rate booster number 6 ",
    "push_badge": 1,
    "timezone": "Asia/Jerusalem",
    "overdue": 0,
    "schedule_date": "1345645282",
    "expire_date" : "1645645282",
    "payload" : {




          3.   SDK Implementation (Download this SDK version


This Code Block should be a part of your onCreate() and onNewIntent methods, in the activity defined to receive the push notification bundle. 


Bundle bundle = intent.getExtras();
Set<String> keys = bundle.keySet();
	for (String key : keys) {
			Object o = bundle.get(key);
			//Do what you need with object (as String)


        3.2 For further information feel free to contact your support team at